Saturday, November 13, 2010

A week in revue

Hello All! I have had such a good week! My last day at my old job was Tuesday, so the cats and I came home that night. The cats have been adjusting fairly well to the new house. It's only been a couple days and they are rotating hiding under the bed and coming out and wanting lots of attention. Jersey thinks he is Jon's cat now. :) I have been puttering around the house. Lot's of laundry has been done and I've been cooking too! I made my first 2 layer cake. Man was it ugly. I just made a box cake mix and used canned frosting. I was really just trying to get the technique of a two layer cake down. The cake tasted great but it wasn't too pretty. I learned my lesson that you need a LOT of icing to do a two layer cake.
I had been kicking around the idea of a collage wall for our bedroom but wasn't sure how to pull it off. I wasn't sure how to group the items I wanted on the wall, plus I really didn't want a bunch of holes in my wall! In the end, I decided to use cork board as a base and hang stuff on it.

I love the way it turned out! Jon really likes it too. I just bought two sets of 4 square cork board panels that came with their own adhesive squares to attach them to the wall. We had rec'd the love art for our wedding and decided it was the perfect thing to fill the center of our "wall." Now I just have to fill it up with stuff! We've got a decent start though!

News Alert! David and Kate bought a house! It is super cute and has wood floors in some of the rooms and a wood burning fireplace! Color me jealous! We went to see it this week and I couldn't be more happy for them! So exciting! This week, we also ran to Home Depot and got the supplies to hang a shelf in our entry way. Now we just have to do it!
Today, we raked leaves! We had a TON of leaves in our yard and I now have a nasty blister! It was a good workout though! After the leaf extravaganza, Zach came over and we had beef tips for lunch (see below for recipe). Jon and Zach played Risk Factions on the XBOX 360 and they really loved it. I'm not a huge fan of Risk in general, but this version is pretty entertaining. Then we called Dustin and Amber and went to see their new house! (I know, who doesn't have a new house this week!) So cute! All these new houses make me want a new one, lol! Not really, but maybe I need to redecorate?! No? Tonight, we came home and watched Back to the Future III. I love those movies! Well I'll see you later interwebz pepes!

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