Tuesday, November 23, 2010

fun and a fashion moment

Hello lovely interwebz pepes! Man what a day I've had. It seems that anything that could go wrong at work, in fact did. Still loving the job though! :) After work, Jon's mom and Phil took us to The Brick for dinner. It is a tiny little bar in Jonesville that only serves burgers, soups, and chips. The burgers and chili were really good! David and Kate came too and it was a really good night all around. We got home and Jon started playing Fallout New Vegas (he's smack dab in the thick of it!) and I started blogging. I remembered I wanted to take pitcures on www.laphotocabine.com. Here is ours!I am supposed to be folding laundry, but instead I am blogging! Bad wifey! Anywho, totally random fact, I love the smell of filing at work. When I open the file drawers, I smell the paper and I love that smell! I know, I'm a total weirdness! Oh and speaking of work, I had to order a couple pairs of dressy pants to wear at work b/c some of mine were too casual. I am so loving my new pants! I got a pair of basic blacks

Old Navy Ponte-Knit Pants. They are amazingly comfortable! It's like wearing pajamas to work! I also got a pair of tweed pants

Women's Tweed Trowsers. I love these! I had been wanting a pair of tweed pants for a while now! I haven't worn them yet, but plan to tomorrow. They are a bit long, but that works b/c I have been trying to wear heels more lately. I know! Me in heels! I have so many pairs and hated that they were going to waste, so I decided to just do it and wear them! I work at a desk job, so it's not like I'm on my feet all day. I am planning on taking the stairs a lot at work, so I may start wearing a pair of flats to work, then changing into the heels once I'm at my desk. I should post pictures of my heel collection. I think I have 5 or 6 pairs, so it's not a huge amount. Well, I really should be getting to that laundry, so I'll talk to ye later!

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