Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Ok, so we may have massacred all the indigenous people after we arrived and celebrated that first Thanksgiving, but I'm going to overlook that today b/c of the food. No, but really, that totally sucked. Stupid manifest destiny crap. Chuh. Anywho, today Jon and I went up and saw my family and had Thanksgiving dinner! I seriously look forward to this meal all year! My Grandma George makes the bomb-diggity noodles. Seriously, these things are legendary! Nom, nom nom!!!!!!!!!!!! Anywho, I'll post pics later, but right now I have to get to bed b/c I have to work tomorrow, blech! Then I'll be in Indy shopping on my annual ladies of the family shopping trip, so I should be back Sunday. Hopefully I'll have a photo heavy post consisting of the following:
decorating the Christmas tree with Jon and Josh

Oh yeah baby b/c now it is ON for Christmas! Squee!!!!!!! I totally made a couple mix cds with Christmas music for this season and I am totally ready to get out my Christmas dvds and decorate the house! SQUEEEEE!!!!!!!! I love me some xmas! So anywho, updates to come, but I'll be out for a couple of days. Later turkeys!

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