Thursday, November 18, 2010

I made it!

I made it to Friday! This week has flown by! I am really liking my new job! The people are all super nice and it doesn't feel so completely corporate like my other job did. This morning was a complete fiasco though! I was a complete fool at work and couldn't remember anything. I think that means my brain needs a break. Good thing it's Friday!
Is anyone else getting excited about Christmas?!?! I know it's not even Thanksgiving yet, but I'm so ready for the holidays!!! I found a radio station that plays Christmas music down here in Seymour and I am in heaven! I can't wait to wrap presents and decorate the house!
Oh and watch Christmas movies! Squee!!! But first, Thanksgiving! Jon and I are going up to my parents house on Thursday for Thanksgiving. I cannot wait to eat my Grandma's noodles. They are epic! Nom!
I have started meal planning! Since I'm home every night now, I had to start planning meals and that means planning grocery shopping! I decided to start planning weekly menus and then using that to assemble my weekly grocery lists! Technically I'm not starting until after Thanksgiving b/c we won't be home on Thursday and then I'll be gone all weekend. I decided to cook some bigger meals so that Jon has leftovers for next weekend. I'm silly excited over meal planning. I'm such a geek!
Tomorrow Jon, Josh, and I are heading up to Indy to get the rest of my stuff and to paint! Hopefully I'll get to post tomorrow night, but we'll see. I really need to get back to blogging regularly again! I've been majorly slacking (enter sheepish ashamed face here). Have no fear, the Sarah you love and know will be back!

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