Sunday, November 21, 2010

a day in the life of the Rhoades'

hey there hi there ho there! This morning I got up early and went to the grocery store. Man has it been beautiful out today! Since it was so nice out, we cleaned out a bit of the garage this morning. It's still full of stuff, but at least we made a dent! This afternoon, we went to David and Kate's and the guys got on the trampoline!

Then David climbed a tree, lol.

We came home and played some Operation and Hungry Hungry Hippos. Tonight is Dexter night! It will be the first one in David and Kate's new house, so I am taking a lasagna and a cake for dinner, plus a little housewarming gift for them. :) Tomorrow it's back to work, but we are going to have a busy week. Tuesday we are going to The Brick with Jon's family. I've never been there, but apparently their burgers are amazing. Either Monday or Wednesday we are going to see the new Harry Potter movie (so flippin' excited!!!!!!!!!) and then of course, Thursday is Thanksgiving! We are going up to my parents Thursday, then back to work on Friday for me. Jon has the day off! Friday nighit, Jon is picking up Josh and I am heading up to Indy for my annual shopping with the girls weekend. You see, every weekend after Thanksgiving, my mom and sisters and I go shopping. I will miss Friday in Lafayette this year, but I'll meet them in Indy Friday night. I'm so excited b/c this will be the first shopping weekend for 2 of my nieces! Whew! I'm tired just thinking of this week, but it will be a lot of fun!

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