Thursday, November 18, 2010

A quick run by

Well tomorrow is Friday and I will have gotten through one week at my new job! It has been an exhausting week! Sorry I haven't had much to post. Last night, we went to dinner with Jon's Grandma and Grandpa at the legion, and tonight we helped David and Kate move into their new house! We rented Amadeus from the library and watched part of it. It's a really good movie so far!! I do wonder if Mozart was quite as weird as they made him out to be.
This weekend, we have to go to Indy to move the rest of my stuff and paint the room I was in at my sister's house. I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving!! Where has this month gone?!?! Anyway, sorry to post and run but I really am quite exhausted! I hope my brain catches on quickly at work and I stop being so tired!

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