Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Well I made it! Yesterday was my last day at the old job! It was an emotional day. I am really going to miss those people! I made the trip with the cats, which was torture! Poor Jersey was beside himself and Topeka threw up! Sigh. They are starting to settle in....I think. They've definitely decided that under Josh's bed is where they want to be! I've been spending my morning watching Golden Girls and getting some things set up around the house. spotted! They are finally starting to venture out to see the house! I've set up their litter box and food and water bowls and they have already located them and used them! Lol

Anywho, I've got to run to Walmart at some point today to get some groceries. This week, I'm going to try to get our bedroom together (decor projects coming soon) and start on cleaning out the garage. We need to make some Goodwill runs to clean out all the crap we don't want anymore. Plus, I want to park in there when it snows! Well, Topeka apparently needs some attention, so I'm off!

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