Friday, November 5, 2010

remember remember the 5th of november

Hello interwebz!!! Ah it's good to be home! I'm making a lasagna for dinner and it smells so good! I heart garlic. I plan to attempt a new recipe and a 2 layer cake this weekend! Yikes! (ok, so I'm using a box cake mix, but I've never done 2 layers before, so that's gonna be a trial in itself!) Sunday I'm going to Beef and Boards with my parents and lovely sister Rachel! I'm so loving this weekend!
I finally figured out how to work my self timer on my camera and I think we are going to try to get a family picture tomorrow to use on our Christmas cards. I'm so excited to do Christmas cards this year! It's supposed to be cold, but sunny so hopefully we can get a cute outdoors picture.
Announcement! When I move here full time, I have a new plan for fitness! See, Jon gets up at 6 every morning to be to work at 7. So if I get up with him at 6, that gives me 2 hours to work out, shower, and get to work by 8. Perfect amount of time! I'm really going to try to stick to this plan! I need to start working out on a regular basis and this is the perfect opportunity to work it into my schedule! The only problem is that I am so not a morning person! Hopefully I can overcome this and stick to my new workout plan!
Well, I'm off to spend time with my family! Toodles!

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