Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Well Hello There September

I'm officially in my wedding month! Now when people ask when I'm getting hitched, I can say, this month! I'm really starting to get excited about our honeymoon. I'm suddenly picturing Jon and I lazing about in a bed (which strangely has all white bedding, even though ours is black and white) giggling and being all husband and wifey. Oh we're going to be doing stuff on our honeymoon, but I plan to spend at least one morning lazing in bed! I have also started obsessively checking the weather in the hopes that I will somehow become psychic and know what the weather will be like on our wedding day. Of course it's impossible to get a reliable forecast that far out, but I'm just hoping hurricane Earl doesn't blow in on my wedding day! It should be gone by then right? I mean, I know that hurricanes have caused us issues here in IN, but surely not 18 days later...right? RIGHT?!?!?
This weekend, I have quite a to do list!
1. finish reserved signs and frames
2. finish lace covered candle holders
3. put Jon's photos in photo albums
4. scrapbook my bachelorette party and showers
5. finish printing our programs
6. go over final paking chek list for wedding stuff
7. rearrange bedroom
8. run around like a mad woman trying to get all the stuff on the list that I don't already have

And so my September begins!

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