Monday, September 27, 2010

Back to Everyday Life

Hrmph. I hate going back to work. And being away from home for the week. It just plain sucks. Ok, now that I've got that out of my system, hello internet people! I got back to my sisters last night (I stay there through the week) and my kitties were so glad to see me! I spent the evening cuddling with them! I have to admit, it's been a difficult day. I just want to be at home with Jon, but I have to be here. So I went out to lunch and enjoyed the gorgeous weather! Then I went to Target after work! I picked up a couple of Halloween pillows and a new sweater!
I'm super excited about this weekend! It's Oktoberfest in Seymour, and since I've never been, Jon and I are going to go check it out. Also, we are getting Josh this weekend, so we are going to go pumpkin picking!!! Fall is finally here, and I am over the moon about it!
I wanted to share a couple things I didn't get to from the weekend. I made a shadow box to hang in our bedroom of some of our wedding stuff. Here it is.

Thing number 2. We have been tossing around ordering the complete collection of The Real Ghostbuster's cartoon. When Jon was little he was obsessed with The Ghostbuster's. Had all the toys and everything! So of course he simply had to have this collection! Also, Josh and I really like the show too. So we ordered it and it came this weekend!!

I also ordered Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel on dvd. I absolutely loved those movies as children and I just had to have them on dvd! I already watched Anne of Green Gables and I still love it! So good! Sigh.

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