Monday, September 6, 2010

The Last Day

Well hello last day of my long weekend! I'm glad that I don't have to work, but I'm not glad that you are the last day. I'd like more time at home please! See, now I'm sad. :( On the up side, I only have to work 4 days this week, then 3 next week b/c in 12 days I'll be getting married! Woooooooop!!!!!! I'm getting so excited! Squeee!!!!! See?!??!? I just keep making high pitched happy sounds! Sigh. The other day I realized that, seeing as I only plan on doing this whole marriage thing once, I'll never have another bridal shower or bachelorette party. I'll never be 12 days away from my long anticipated wedding again. It's kind of bittersweet! It's silly I know, b/c I have an incredible amount of blessings in my life, but it did make me a little sad. But enough with the pity party!!!!
Could we have had better weather this weekend?!?!? It's been perfect. In the 70s during the day and the 50s and 60s at night! Beautiful!!! Little message to mother nature, I'd really like this kind of weather in 12 days!!! Please??!?!?!?!!
On the project front, we decided to abandon the lace covered vases. We made a few and they just didn't turn out and I didn't feel like stressing over them this late in the game. Had I started them earlier, I think they really would have been great, but I just don't want to have an added stress at this point. I may still make them for other uses when I have more time.
That means, of course, that we are officially done with our wedding stuff! Wahoo!!!
Well, I am going to go enjoy the rest of my last day of my 4 day weekend!

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