Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Wedding!

This may be a short post, but I just wanted to say I'm back! As a Mrs.!!!!!!!! The wedding was amazing! It went perfectly, not a hitch! Our families made everything as smooth as possible and they were truly amazing in the support they gave us this weekend!! Friday we headed out first thing in the morning and made it to Monticello by around 11am. We met Jon's family at the hotel and then we all when and met my mom and headed strait to the reception hall. We decorated until around 3pm, then went and checked into the hotel. We decided to chill for a bit so we lounged in the hot tub at the hotel for a bit. It was really nice to have that downtime. Jon and I headed over to the church to meet the pastor at 5:30pm. We had a little meeting and then everybody started getting there at 6:30pm. We had our rehearsal (we totally forgot to break out the camera for this! so sad we don't have pictures!) and ran through the ceremony a few times. We went to our rehearsal dinner and then headed back to the hotel. Amber and Dustin had a hotel room that connected to ours so we hung out with them for a bit, then to bed it was!!! Saturday (Wedding Day!) I got up around 7:30am and started getting ready for the day. At 8:40am, Amber and I headed over to my sister's house to meet my Mom and sister Rachel to go to our hair appointments. Amy and my nieces came too, which was really nice b/c Amy was taking pictures the whole time! Yea! After our hair appointments, Amber and I met the guys at the hotel, (where Jon was under strict instructions not to look at me!) and they followed us out to my parent's house. The photographers were there and they started taking pictures as the wedding party got ready. We did a lot of pictures outside on the farm, and then it rained! I mean it poured down! So we headed to the church, and lo and behold, it stopped raining just in time for us to take the rest of our pictures outside the church! It was perfect timing, so thank you mother nature! The weather really couldn't have been more perfect, it was the perfect temp, and there was a great breeze, so I never got hot enough to get red in the face! It was great! The ceremony started at 5:30pm and it was beautiful. I walked down the aisle barefoot b/c I was very done with my heels. Jon tried to put his ring on me and I think I'll always remember that part of our ceremony most clearly. That and the vows. Just looking strait into each others eyes as we promised to be together forever. Since we had taken all of our pictures before the wedding, after the ceremony, we signed our marriage license, and then it was strait to the reception! We had so much fun! We danced and drank the night away! We truly had the best day ever! Sigh. Well, I'm off to start mah honeymoon! I'll try to get some pictures from people to post on here!
Edit: I guess this wasn't short after all!
Edit 2: Oh and I didn't cry! I totally surprised myself, but I was fairly calm all day! No tears!

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