Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Halloween Haul

Sorry to have been away for a few days. I can't even use the wedding as an excuse. I've been sick! Only I would get sick the week of my own wedding!!! Sigh. It's some sort of cold bug I think. I've got swollen glands and I've been just exhausted! I'm feeling better today, but I suspect I should get some 5 hour energy drinks for the wedding day! On top of that, my car has been acting up something awful. It's emitting a burning smell and some wisps of smoke. There are no lights on and it's not overheating, so I have no idea what's wrong with it. Jon and I have decided to rent a car to drive up and use for the wedding, b/c I really want a car I can counjt on for my wedding day. We'll probably spend at least one day of our honeymoon getting my car fixed.
Anyway, I did manage to get some pictures of my Halloween haul items! I'm not showing all of them of course, b/c we have to keep some mystery about our party!!! I don't know what is up with this first picture, it is all sorts of funky!

I'm so excited about our party!! I can't wait!! I think I've decided to be an ice princess. I'm still working out the details, but I've been wanting to do this costume for a few years now and I think this is the party I should finally try it! Well, sorry for the short post, but I'm bushed. I'm going to get some rest b/c I really want to be awake for my wedding!

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