Thursday, September 23, 2010

coffee buzz

Well hello there internet people!! Jon went back to work today which was sad :( I had a few hours of woe. I think I have the post wedding blues a little bit. I had read about women having the post wedding blues. I mean, you plan this huge event and you've dreamed about it since you were a little girl and now it's over. Not that I'm not completely blissful being married, but it's kind of a what do I do now moment. So I had some coffee and now I'm on a total coffee buzz! No sadness here! It helped that Jon is home and we are watching some Buffy while he relaxes for a bit. Tonight, we have to run to Walmart and get a few things.
Tomorrow, I think my mom and a couple of sisters and nieces and nephews may come down for lunch! Exciting! Plus, tomorrow I am decorating for Halloween! Woop! I've started planning our party and I'm getting super excited! Well, I'm off to run errands and spend an evening with my honey! Woohoo for newlyweds!

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