Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 3 of the Honeymoon: The Last Day

Jon and I have been having a great day! This morning we ran to the license branch to renew Jon's plates. Then we went shopping! Again!! We went to Bed Bath and Beyond and used our gift cards to get some essentials. Of course, I had to get a couple of fall themed Yankee candles, b/c those are essential to me! Then we went to Hobby Lobby. Jon and I decided to make a painting together for our bedroom and then I have had an idea I've wanted to try for a while now, so we got supplies for those projects. I'm so pumped b/c we got official Bob Ross canvases! Sweet! I seriously love me some Bob Ross. When I was little, I loved to watch his show. Still do as a matter of fact. After the shopping, we had lunch at Pen Station. Jon had never been there before. I got my old stand by, the philly cheese steak, and Jon tried the chicken teriyaki. We both got them loaded with mushrooms and onions. We really liked our sandwiches, and of course, the fries were the bomb. Then we came home and took a nap. Ah naps.
Now we are playing two games he downloaded on our new Xbox 360. The Impossible Game and I Made a Game with Zombies In It!!!!. They are addicting! I seriously suck at both of them but Jon has been rocking them out! He's awesome! Oh, and here is a picture I stole off of facebook from one of our friends. Our first wedding photos!

At the reception. (please excuse the very red face, I was already pretty tipsy here)

Our first dance!
The Kiss!
The cake shot!

Awwww! I'm such a goober! I got this from our friend Rachel who caught the bouquet! She is such a sweetie! So Dan (her gentlemen friend) if you are reading this, get on it man! That's the second one she's caught this year! Bwahahaha! Anywho, I'm off to enjoy my last honeymoon day!

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