Wednesday, September 8, 2010


1. The weather!!! I am so lovin' this weather! In fact, I think this weather can stay around as loooooooong as it likes! Even though I am waiting for all the bugs to die (seriously, what is with the mosquitoes!) I could even stand them if this weather wanted to stay around say, FOR_EV_ER!!!! (you must say forever in the Sandlot voice!) Oh and by the way, that rain that is supposed to show up the weekend of my wedding? Yeah, it can go away. Seriously mother nature, I don't play! NO RAIN!!!!!

2. Pumpkin Pie Poptarts!!!! I don't know if they are new or a seasonal thing that I've never seen before, but they are scrumptious!!! Seriously, if you like pumpkin, go to your nearest grocery store and get them!

3. I am beyond ready for fall! BEYOND I TELL YOU!!!! Cool weather, no bugs, boots, sweaters, no bugs, everything pumpkin, scary decorations, pumpkin picking at Huber's, no bugs, crunchy orange leaves, yummy fall candles, and did I mention no bugs?! Fall is by far my favorite season!

4. Since summer is rapidly fading, I'm going to cook all our main dishes on the grill this weekend! Get it while it lasts I say! All too soon we will be bemoaning the cold and wishing for summer again. We are such silly fickle monkeys!

5. In 10 days I'll be a Mrs.

6. I am digging watching Bewitched!!! This show is adorable! I remember watching it at my Grandma G's house while she watched my sister and I and I love it just as much now as I do now!

And here is this weeks Wee Bit of me Wednesday!

{one} what was your first pet and how did you come up with its name?
my first pet was my wonderful cat Marie. I named her after my oldest sister (used her middle name) b/c she was going to college and I was afraid of how much I was going to miss her

{two} do you like your ice crushed or cubed?

{three} do you believe in love at first sight?
I'm not sure. I think you can get a feeling about someone when you first meet them. I knew when I met Jon that he was going to be in my life forever. But I don't know about actually loving someone at first site.

{four} do you have any nicknames?
my family called me sarah-nae when I was little.

{five} what movie do you never get tired of watching?
Alice in Wonderland, the original Disney cartoon. I have loved it since I was a wee one.

{six} how do you like your eggs cooked?
over easy! I love dipping toast in the yokes.

{seven} are you named after anyone in particular?
nope, I'm just me!

{eight} what are three things that you would like to do that you haven’t done yet?
1. go to Vegas
2. have a baby
3. go to Europe

{nine} what one thing always brightens your mood?
Jon. All I have to do is talk to him and I feel better.

{ten} what five things will you always find in your purse?
cell phone, wallet, keys, burts bees chapstick, and address book

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