Saturday, April 2, 2011

i got mah hur did!

So today Jon and I decided to get our hair cut! Jon needed his cut pretty bad and I wanted a trim and some layers so we headed to Fantastic Sams. I haven't had a haircut I liked since....well ever. I think it's becuase I always go in with a very specific look in mind and it never turns out the way I want it. Today I just let the girl do her thing with my hair and I love the way it turned out!

After that we did our grocery shopping, then had some lunch at home. Then we spent the day with David and Kate! We just ran around various places looking through stores. After we got back home, we called Dustin and Amber and went over to their house. We spent the rest of the night there then headed home for good around 11:30pm. Such a busy day, but such a good day! I love days where I get to see my favorite people and just have fun hanging out! Oh plus the sun was out and that was an added bonus to a perfect day!

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