Saturday, April 23, 2011

Good Times Indeed

Last night we picked Josh up from school and headed up to Mom and Dad's. I miss them all the time, so seeing the was really nice. We ate Mom's casserole for dinner and then talked and played games until bedtime. This morning, we went and visited my Grandma and Grandpa George. We stayed for a while and just talked. Then we headed home and Dad took us mushroom hunting. We found 4! Jon climbed a tree stand because it was there. Then we had Dad's chili for lunch. Yum! No one makes chili like my Dad. After a long drive home, we are settling in at home. I am starting food for tomorrow and Zach is visiting. I love my families. Each and every one of them! It's days like this that I feel so full of love and so blessed that I can't imagine anyone having as full and loving a life as I do.

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