Sunday, April 17, 2011

weekend ramblings

Man oh man what is up?! I love the weekend. So lovely. Anywho, yesterday Jon and I did pretty much nothing and it was awesome! I did manage to go to walmart to do our grocery shopping and did do a little laundry. Other than that, there was sleeping super late, coffee drinking, napping, watching the tele, and lazing about in general. So lovely. You have to have days like that every once in a while. Sure we have a sink full of dishes that need washed and the house really needs picked up, but oh well. Today we are going to meet up with Kate to see Scream 4! I am a big fan of the first 3, so I really hope this lives up to them. I have a suspicion it won't, but I'm not going to judge until I see it! Oh and while I was at the wally world, I picked up a few flower bulbs to plant. We are going to plant some peonies, dahlias, and lilies in our flower bed. I think I'm going to fill in the empty spots with some annuals and then this fall I plan on planting some tulips. I am so freakin' happy that spring is here! Yea! Anyway, I'm off to live my life so that I can blog about it later!

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