Thursday, April 14, 2011


So we found out why our internet has been so fickle. The cable is totally exposed and has been for some time now. They must not have buried it very deep when they hooked up our house. It is exposed in 2 separate places, and one of them has no rubbery stuff around the extra cable. Just bare cable laying in our yard! So ridiculous. Anywho, we're still trying to get them to come out and fix it. Grrr.
In extremely sad news, Jon's dad had to have his dog put down. That is the 4th animal of people I know that has had to be put down in 1 1/2 months! What is the deal! Anyway, it's very sad. Sampson (the dog) was 10 I think and Jon's dad had had him since he was a bitty pup. Sad.
In better news, the weather was gorgeous today. Bad news is that it's supposed to suck for the foreseeable future. So tonight called for a visit from my lil' bro Zach, Chinese for dinner, and then a bubble bath. Perfect combo for a better mood! All I've been up to lately has been work, chores, planning my flower bed, hanging with the fam, dreaming of seeing my new nephew soon, and trying to keep my allergies under control. I took some pretty pictures of a tree in our yard, so I'll try to post those if the internet lasts long enough. Toodles!

Edit: Internet is still hanging in there, so here are some pic's.

The hubs
A pretty tree in our back yard

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