Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I am so excited b/c I am off until Monday! 4 days of bliss Squee! Tomorrow I have a dentist and eye doctor appointment. I'm going to get new glasses and I can't wait to pick them out! Work has been super crazy/weird this week and we've had crazy bad storms the past two nights. So between those two things, I have been so tired and in a funk that I've spent most of my free time in the bedroom watching Friends and dozing off. I love that show! But I think this 4 day weekend will sring my spirits right up! Oh and did anyone else see that Lauren Conrad has launched a beauty site? I think I like it, but I'm going to give it some time to develop before making my final opinion. Oh and if you aren't playing the new Mortal Combat game, you should be! I cannot play most video games, but this one I just mash the buttons and I do cool stuff! Jon has memorized a bunch of the moves and looks up moves and I still beat him! Of course, my thumbs are totally sore by the end of it, but oh well! Super fun game! Man this post is super random! Well I just wanted to give you guys an update, so there it was!

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