Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools!

Howdy! Happy April Fools Day! No practical jokes came my way today, but I don't mind! Anywho, there isn't much going on here. Just a little announcement to make. Oh and no this isn't an April Fools. It's time for a spending freeze. I've been spending too much lately, so I'm officially putting myself on time out! I am not allowed to spend money for nonessentials until the end of April. 1 month to go. You will see a couple hauls, but those were orders put in before today, April 1st. Sigh. I just love shopping so much! Oh well, it must be one! One thing I won't be waiting to buy is lawn furniture! I can't wait! As soon as we get our tax return, we are going to get a set for the back patio! Woop!

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