Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Must sleep. *harumph grumph* Please go to sleep brain! *snuffle, grumble* Stupid brain just shut up!

This has been my brain the past couple nights. I am so tired! Sigh. Insomnia sucks! Anywho I'm exctied b/c
A. My Lush order came!
B. I get to have dinner with my sisters this weekend!

Super excited about my Lush haul, it'll have it's own post soon. I love! This Sunday, Jon and I are going to go out to lunch with my sisters and bro-in-laws! It's been awhile since I've seen them all so I'm excited to get together! This week has been kinda blah. We've had no sun and snow showers! Blech. I'm so beyond ready for spring!

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