Saturday, March 12, 2011


3. proposal: how it happened, how long were you engaged for? was it a total surprise? pictures of that... etc.

Our proposal wasn't fancy or super romantic. It was very us; casual and just the two of us. We had been talking about getting married, I had picked out the ring I wanted and I knew he had bought it. I just couldn't wait for him to ask me, but he kept not asking me! July 4th of 2009 I had been pestering him all weekend about getting married. I must have been in a mood. Also he had had the ring for 5 months already and still no question had been popped! I was getting impatient! So back to the 4th. We were going to go watch fireworks but they got rained out, so we decided to go over to our friends house. On the way our the door, Jon (walking behind me) said to wait b/c he had to ask me something. I turned around and he had the ring, still in the box, lol. He asked me to marry him. I said yes, of course! We celebrated for a while just the two of us, then went on about our night. We didn't even tell our friends when we saw them that night. We kept it to ourselves for a bit. We were engaged for 1 year, 2 months, 14 days. I don't have any pic's of the engagement.

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