Tuesday, March 8, 2011

pieces of me

outside my window...is the street. nothing too exciting.

i am thinking...that a movie night in bed sounds v. tempting!

i am thankful for...my family.

what i am learning...patience.

i am creating...a dance along mixtape.

i am going...crazy!

i am hearing...my psychotic cats running around.

i am reading...towards zero by agatha christie

i am hoping...that we will be able to finish filing our taxes soon.

around the house...there is clutter. always with the clutter.

one of my favorite things...my ipod touch photo apps. yea!

a few plans for the week...planning a VIP (Jon and I only) St Paddy's day partay

a picture...this is my special kind of crazy face! yikes!

Edit: I got these questions off somebody's blog, but I don't remember who. If it was you, let me know so I can credit!

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