Friday, March 11, 2011


1. how it all began: how you met, first date, first kiss, how long did you date? first picture together.....etc.

Jon and I met when we worked together at Target. I thought he was cute, but too young for me (he's 3 years, 2 months, and 6 days younger than me). We had a mutual friend that worked with us, and eventually I started going to parties at his place. We became friends and Jon's bestie, Dustin, decided that he liked me, which let me tell you is a miracle in itself! Dustie's a bit picky about people ;). Anywho, he worked his magic and Jon and I had our first date on a double date with Dustin and Amber! It was a DISASTER!!!! We went to see the Cinderella Man and the movie broke! The film burnt up! So we then decided to go bowling. My finger swelled up while bowling, so we decided to just go to dinner. We went to Steak N Shake and the waitress poured a tray FULL of ICE WATER all over Jon!!! He was soaked and freezing! After dinner, we went back to his place and despite the awful events of the date, he must have like the company b/c he gave me a wonderful (surprise) kiss goodnight! We dated on and off for 5 years before we got married. We had been together solid for 3 years prior to our wedding. I don't have our first picture together, so here is the oldest one I have on our computer!

Jon's Comments: Where will I begin...suffice to say that although the first date was awful, yet charming, I knew that she was something special. Oh and about Dustin, we owe much to him b/c I would have been too shy to ask her out on me own.

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