Tuesday, March 15, 2011

good and bad

Well I've had quite a up and down life lately. Saturday night after the Maple Syrup Festival, Jon's mom came over to visit for a bit. We walked back to her house with her and while Jon and I hit the hot tub, she and Josh ran to Dairy Queen and got us all ice cream! Yum! Sunday we really lazed the morning away (I choose to blame the idiotic time change we are forced to live by) and then went to visit Jon's dad that afternoon. He gave us 2 really cool Venus fly trap plants!

Cool right! We are all really into them. They are neat little plants! We have to feed and water them and they're kinda like a pet. A plant pet! So far good right? You're probably wondering where the bad is. Well the sorta bad is that Topeka killed our Venus fly traps! He decided he didn't like them and dug them out of their pots! We are going to get more and keep them in a green house contraption to keep them safe until the summer when they will go outside. More bad....the really bad...we too Jersey to the vet. He has lost a lot of weight, been lethargic, stopped eating, and has a really stinking mouth. He seemed fairly ok until around Sunday, then today took a turn for the worse. We don't know what's wrong, so we dropped him off at the vet and they are running tests tomorrow. I hope it's nothing too serious. :(

He's the one sitting up with white tipped ears.

The really good is that when I got home I had an email from sephora saying that they had the Urban Decay Naked eye palette in! I most certainly ordered one strait away to cheer myself up.

So anyway, I'm really just trying not to worry too much about Jersey, but I can't help it. Maybe it's just a bum tooth! That would explain a lot! Well anyway, that's our last couple of days. The vet is supposed to call me tomorrow after the tests. I'll let you know.

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