Monday, March 28, 2011

great googley moogley

Well hello there! Saturday was spent bowling. We are pretty terrible bowlers, but we had fun!

Then we just chilled out at the house. We watched The Big Boss, aka Fists of Fury, staring Bruce Lee. It was darn good too! Yesterday, we woke up to an inch of snow! It's the end of March people!

Oh well. It melted just as fast as it came. Anywho, then we did a few chores and then chilled some more. I have to rave about a cleaning product here b/c ohmahgah! I have been trying to get our bathtub clean since we moved in a year and a half ago. It was so stained and nasty. I knew we were getting it clean because we had actually used straight bleach on it to try and get it clean. I shouldn't say clean, it was clean, but extremely stained. It grossed me out and I was so embarrassed of it. Anywho, I decided to try a cleaner I found called Kaboom.

It is a miracle. I just sprayed it on the tub and wiped it down with a wet clothe. I did that twice b/c the tub was pretty stained. It completely wiped it clean! My tub is pretty! I am so excited! I can't wait for my Lush stuff to come in and take a big ol' bubbly bath!

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