Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wee Bit Wednesday

{one} do you wear holey jeans? if so, do you buy them that way?
I only have a couple pair of jeans and they aren't holey. Oh I take that back. I have a pair of the boyfriend jeans that are a bit shredded.

{two} do you get a full 8 hours of sleep per night?
I try to. I'm a bit of a bear if I don't get a good nights rest! So mostly yes.

{three} what’s your favorite way to eat an oreo?
dunked in milk until they are soggy but not falling apart. It's a science really.

{four} do you wear shoes in your house?
Nope, Jon is a a carpet nazi. NO MORE SHOES IN THE HOUSE! (you have to say it like that line from mommy dearest)

{five} who would you call first if you won the lottery?
Jon, duh!

{six} have you ever been in a food fight?
Not that I can remember. Hm....

{seven} do you snore?
Oh man do I ever! I sound like a frickin' freight train! Or as Jon says, a window ruffler! I have snored my whole life and it's always been super bad. I may have been known to wake up someone on a completely different end o the house....and a different floor of the house! Really Really Bad. I don't know how Jon lives with me, but I'm glad he does!

{eight} do you know how fast you type?
I'm not sure how fast, but Jon and his brothers always say "Enhance" when I'm typing around them. It's from the movie Super Troopers. Which is an awesome movie and everyone should watch it. So anyway, I guess I type super fast.

{nine} can you do a headstand (without using a wall)?
LMAO!!!! Bwaahahahahahhhaahhahaha! NO freaking WAY! I can't do one WITH a wall!

{ten} how do you like your popcorn?
from the movies. I'll eat microwave popcorn, but not often. I LOVE movie popcorn though. Extra butter please!

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