Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Playing catchup

A brief overview of what we've been up to:

1. Sunday night was our weekly movie night. Zach cooked for us and it was amazing! He's supposed to give me the recipe, and I'll post it. Yum!

2. We worked.

3. The weather has been beautiful so we've been outside enjoying it and the windows have all been open!

4. The hot tub is gone!!!!!! They came and got it and now we have a patio! Woop! Now to shop for lawn furniture!

5. We picked up Josh tonight and we have him through the weekend (Spring Break). Bring on the kiddo fun!

6. Last night, Jon went over to Dustin's for a few hours and I chilled out at home all by me self! I did a little laundry then watched a movie. In bed. With Topeka. It was nice.

7. We went and saw a friends new house and Jon drooled over their basement.

8. We finally met our "new" next door neighbor! His name is Charlie and he's 79. He's nice!

So that's been what's going on. That and the internet issues. Hence the zillion posts while it is up for the moment.

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