Saturday, March 19, 2011

And she's back!

Hey all! Sorry I've been gone for the past couple days. I've been letting myself deal with the death of my kitty. But I'm back! So let's catch up shall we! Thursday was St Patrick's Day! Jon and I stayed in and had our own little celebrations with green wine (I don't like beer), funny glasses, and the movie Leprechaun! (so yet so good!)

Yep, my hair was in a towel in that picture! Lol, oh well! The weather that day was AWESOME! 70 degrees and sunny! Jon and I took a walk around the neighborhood and then sat outside and enjoyed that weather! We are going to try and walk pretty much everyday now that the weather is getting nicer b/c I want to get in shape!

In other news, Spring has sprung! Here is a branch on the tree in our front yard.

Yea spring!

Last night we just stayed in too. We need to get out I guess! I did get my Urban Decay Naked Palette! (insert choir singing here). I love this! The colors are so pigmented and pretty! I wore colors from it today and they are awesome! Yea!
Today we've just been chilling at home doing...nothing. We REALLY need to get out! I found out the Edinburgh Outlet Mall has The Cosmetics Company Store! I need to go there! Who wants to go with me?!

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