Saturday, January 15, 2011

Obladi Oblada Life Goes Oooon!

Today was a productive day. Yep, very productive. I got up at 8am and headed to Wally World to get my oil changed and buy this weeks groceries. I was home by 10am and started in on cleaning the house. Josh cleaned the bathroom while Jon and I put away all the laundry. I swept and mopped the kitchen and cleared away the clutter that was on top of the hutch. Then I put away a bunch of junk in the bedroom and picked up in there. I swept and mopped the entry way too. Oh and did a crap ton of laundry. See?! Productive!
On a less than productive note, I attempted to make new curtains for the kitchen, but I'm having some trouble figuring out my new sewing machine. I just can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong when putting in the bobbin. Hmm. Don't worry I'll figure it out!
I tried a couple new recipes today, see before and after this post. Note that there is no recipe for quiche, even though I tried to make one. EPIC FAIL! Apparently I need more practice with that one! Anywho, that's what I've been up to today.
Oh yeah, and I had a solo dance party in my bedroom while I was cleaning. I was listening to my records of the Grease and Dirty Dancing soundtracks and singing and dancing along. My cats enjoyed the show, but Jon and Josh not so much, lol!
On a closing note, I keep remembering scenes from The Proposal and randomly cracking up. I'm pretty sure one of the ladies at work thinks I'm completely crazy, but oh well! Hehe. Just remembering the dancing in the woods scene again. Best scene in a movie in a LONG time. LMAO!!!!! Seriously, you must see that movie if you haven't already!

"Do you prefer Margaret or Satan's Mistress"?" - The Proposal

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