Monday, January 17, 2011

A Day Off

I had such a great day off! I watched a LOT of season one of Dexter (catching up from the beginning) and did some scrapbooking of the wedding. I also spent several hours with one of my favorite people, Amber! We hadn't hung out in forever so it was really nice to get some girl time together!
Tonight, I made turkey burgers for dinner and watched more Dexter! I think I may be becoming obsessed with this show! I started watching it half way through season five, so I need to catch up from the beginning. Luckily, Netflix has season 1 and 2 and Dustin and Amber have season 3 and 4, so I should be able to catch up fairly quickly. I'll probably watch it on my lunch hour.
In other totally unrelated news, I began painting my fingernails. In color instead of clear. See, I used to be a nail biter, so I never painted my fingernails. Then once I stopped biting my nails, they just stayed short and I didn't think that short nails looked good painted. I recently changed my mind and decided to start painting my nails again. I like it! I need to get neater at it b/c they are super messy, but I suppose that comes with practice, like anything else.
Anywho, that's been my day off! I wish I had a never ending supply of days off. ;) I'll leave you with some of the pictures I've been taking lately.

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