Thursday, January 27, 2011

5 things I'm loving right now

1. Dexter
I have officially finished season one of Dexter and OMG!!!!!! I freaking love this show!!!! I started season 2 today and I'm already in deep! Love!

2. Coffee
Sadly there isn't a Starbucks in Seymour, but I have been rocking their beans in my coffee maker.

3. My sewing machine
I finally got that sucker to work! I made curtains for my kitchen. They may be crooked and unfinished, but I made them! I'm working on a cover for my camera strap now. Sticking with the strait edge basic strip for now. Yea!

4. my iPod
I am so in love with my new iPod! I have some killer apps and I just can't stop playing with it!

5. Dead Space 2

Jon got Dead Space 2 and it is currently scaring the crap out of us!

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