Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm a goofy goober

Yesterday, I woke up and my garage door was frozen shut. Bollucks. So Jon had to come pick me up and take me to work. I was late of course, but at least I got there. As of right now, there is still no getting that door open. And I have to work today. Grrrr. I'm either taking Jon's car or he is dropping me off. Stinking Saturday work. I am more than ready or spring/summer/fall. Anything but winter!!!!
Last night, Jon picked me up from work and we went to the liquor store. I got something new. Adult Chocolate Milk! It is pretty darn tasty! Isn't the bottle adorable? I am such a sucker for pretty packaging. At least this time, it turned out that I really like the actual product! It really tastes like chocolate milk.

After work I went grocery shopping and I have never seen it that busy! It was crazy! Zach came over to hang out and now Jon and I are just chilling out, trying to stay warm. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get a new ipod tomorrow. Jon's went kaput awhile back, so we are going to get a "family" ipod. I'm so excited!
By the by, does anyone know where to get fresh vanilla beans? Or any vanilla beans?
I can't seem to find them! I want to make homemade vanilla extract and I kinda need those magic beans to do it! I did make my own hot chocolate mix (the lazy/cheap girl way. I mixed all the hot cocoa packets we had in a jar.). Isn't it purdy?!

Edit: The car has been released from the garage. Repeat, the car has been released from the garage!

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