Thursday, January 13, 2011

A New Look

Well today I changed the look on the blog. I use ShabbyBlogs, and since I had to update my background due to them moving servers, I decided to switch up the look I had. I like my new owl friend, but I gotta admit, I miss the cheery yellow.
So it's been quite a week around here. Sorry I haven't blogged, I've just been busy with this crazy thing called life. I did try a new recipe, so that will be coming soon. Other news, I got my wedding dress back from the cleaners, so it's all boxed up and stored in the office closet. I heart my wedding dress! I finally saw The Proposal. So awesome! Seriously, I absolutely loved this movie!
I laughed, I cried, I loved. Go see it now, nuff said. In fashion news, I ordered, received, and am currently loving a couple new cardigans I got from Old Navy! This is the only one I have a picture of, which works since it is my absolute favorite!

The sleeves are nice and long and it is super comfy! I also got a few tank's with ruffle embellishments on the fronts that look nice under my plain cardigan's. You know I love me some clothes, but my favorite purchase this week is this baby!

I am so excited! I got it on super sale on amazon and now I'm just waiting for it to get here. I have always wanted a fish eye lens. I know they are just a fun lens, but I couldn't resist! I can't wait to use it! I found an idea on my favorite blog of the moment to use a sunglass lens to change the color of your photo. I tried it and it is pretty cool! She has some great tips on photography!
So that's what I've bought recently. Yeah, I'm totally boring today, sorry. I guess it's the seasonal depression thing. I just feel like doing nothing! Bah! I need some warm weather! At least I get Monday off work, so I'll try to do something worthy of blogging! Have a great night interwebs! May your dreams be filled with cupcakes and unicorns pooping rainbows!

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