Friday, January 7, 2011

Life as I know it

Strangest thing. I got a call from Walmart saying they had photos from Nov 15th. I don't remember dropping photos off, but apparently I did and forgot! I'm kind of excited to see what they are! Anywho, sadly there has not been much going on around here. Work is good, marriage is good, Josh is good, life is good.
This week, Jon and I both have a cold and are just wiped out from it. I hate colds that just make you extremely tired with the sniffles. Blech! We did get out earlier this week to Target and picked out a throw pillow for the couch together. Here is the front...
and the back.

We both really like it. I wasn't sure about the bird at first, but it looks great on our couch with our other pillows.
I just finished reading Here We Go Again: My Life in Television by Betty White. I know some may think I'm biased b/c of my deep love and admiration for this golden girl, but It was such a good book! It was like sitting down with Betty and reminiscing! So good! I would highly recommend this book to anybody, even if you don't have the love for Betty! I'm now reading Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith. So far I am really liking it! I'll let you know when I'm done!
This weekend, we are planning on tackling some things that need done around the house. Other than that, we don't have much going on. I know I am totally boring lately! I'm going to choose to blame the cold weather! It is freezing out! All I feel like doing is staying inside where it's warm and cuddling up with my husband and a cat! Well kids, that's life as I know it for today!

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