Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Comfy Pants

Yesterday, after my very productive day, I thought I'd treat myself to my comfy pants. Everybody has a pair of the comfy pants. They are the pants that you pick to wear above everything else you own b/c they are so very comfy. They are the pants you wear for 2 days on vacation, and on day 3 think you really should wash them, but instead you sniff them and decide they pass as wearable one more time. They are the pants you put on after the big meal b/c they have the extra stretch room. They are the pants that go perfectly with your comfy socks (see photo below). They are the pants that you wear constantly, even though you dread the day they all apart b/c you will never find another pair quite as comfy. They are the comfy pants. So go ahead and go put on your very own comfy pants. Ah. Now doesn't that feel better!

(My own comfy pants, comfy socks, and a nice cup o' joe!

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