Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Night of the Opossum

It all started about a month ago. The cats kept jumping on our heads in bed so that they could see out the window. They were always staring back behind the neighbors house, always looking at the same spot. Eerie! We had a mystery on our hands. At 11am on the night of January 26th, Jon and I were accosted by one of the cats, Jersey. He just HAD to see out that window! Curiosity got the better of us and we pushed the cat out of the way to see what he was looking at. What we found was terrifying. A huge-ass opossum. It was lumbering across the road, past the neighbors house, into the creek that runs behind our row of houses. Scary, I know. This thing, this creature of the night, has taken over our neighborhood. What are two fantastically awesome, yet terrified of opossum's people to do? To be continued...

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