Sunday, January 23, 2011

My New Toy

I did it! I went and got an iPod touch! Yea! I am so loving it! I so far have gotten the following apps: Instagram, Pocketbooth, Spider Solitaire, 8mm. I don't plan on getting anymore. I have a secret love of Spider Solitaire, even though I've never beaten a game. The app was free so I decided to go for it. I got Instagram to take cool photos and have seen it on several sites and blogs. I saw the Pocketbooth and 8mm apps when I was searching apps and decided to buy them. They are both awesome and I love them! I'm probably done with buying apps to tell the truth. I'll look at the free ones, but I can't let myself get carried away buying them. The music quality with this iPod is awesome too! LOVE! I've been playing with it since we got it this morning! Here are some of my samples! Please excuse the silly/goofy test stuff!
The view from my front door using Instagram:

Using Pocketbooth

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