Sunday, January 8, 2012


I think we are getting back to normal around here!  Slowly, but we're getting there.  Jon's fever broke and he's feeling much better.  I'll be so happy when we're all healthy again!  We've been feeling restless this weekend.  Understandable since we've been stuck in the house for 2.5 weeks!  Jon still isn't up to getting out and about, so we're still kicking it at home today.  I'm getting caught up on laundry and dishes.  I'm looking forward to being able to leave the house though.
Anywho, it's going to be a lazy day.  I'm 2 cups of decaf in and have no ambitions to do more than sit on the couch and veg.

Right that was a couple hours ago.  I did manage to get a couple things done in my lazy haze.  I finished the laundry and dishes.  I made spaghetti for dinner, nom!  I also watched a few episodes of Spaced.  If you haven't seen it you must!  The sun was out so I opened the back door and let Topeka soak it up.

He lay there for hours!  I also started planning my birthday party.  i'm going to be 30 this year, so I figured it's ok if I plan my own party.  I'm already looking forward to it!  So basically I had a really boring day by most people's standards.  Sorry this blog has been so lame lately.  Hopefully it will pick up now that the sickness has passed.  Then again...maybe not.  Later.

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