Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Monday...An Oxymoron

Hello all!  As you can see from the recent abundance of recipe posts, I've been in a Betty Crocker kind of mood.  Tonight I made stroganauff and banana bread.  See, totes living like Betty Crocker.  Anyway, we had a pretty good weekend. Saturday was super icy so we didn't venture out until the evening.  I had to run a photobooth at a work function.  It was a lot of fun!  I made a bunch of props and bought some more.  It was pretty successful too!  Here's Jon and I getting our pose on.

Awful pic of me, but I was a bit frazzled after working the booth at a work event.  It's so hard to know how to act at work events.  At least I had Jon there for support!

Anywho, we took Sunday real easy.  Did some laundry, watched some movie.  Ate some food.  I was IRATE to find that Picnik is closing!  And if they think that movie a fraction of their capabilities to Google+ which I now have to go to to edit my photos is going to make me feel better, they have another thing coming!  I really hope they plan on moving over more edits b/c you can't do crap with the Picnik in Google+.  Grrrrr.  So I spent my Sunday evening editing like crazy and making some printables for my upcoming parties.  So frustrated!  I don't have the money to get Photoshop, so what to do?  Any ideas?  Anywho, I'm gonna head off here and watch something with the hubs.  Mondays suck.  That is all.

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