Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years Eve

New Years Eve was a fun time!  Saturday was the first day I was feeling back to more than 70% after bronchitis.  I went grocery shopping, cleaned the house a bit, we dropped Josh off with his mom, I took a much needed nap, then party prep began!  Considering I had been sick, I went super easy.  No decor, just some New Year hats.  No cooking, just chips, pop, and store bought sweets.  It was a good night!  We kept the guest list small.  Just Dustin, Amber, David, Kate, Zach, Matt, Jon, and me.  We played Scene It and sat around talking.  I'm pretty sure that's all I would have been able to handle anyway.  All in all it was the perfect New Year's Eve!  Nobody got stupid, we just had a good time!  Here are pics of Jon and I in our party hats!

Please note Jon's Abe Lincoln beard and me still looking a little sick.  I really hope Jon grows his mustache back soon.  I miss it!

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