Thursday, January 26, 2012

Feeling the Burn

So I don't want to jinx it...but I'm really enjoying exercising!  I don't know what's different this time, but I actually looked forward to walking tonight!  I've never looked forward to exercise!  I hope this feeling lasts!

Woops!  Fell asleep last night!  Well I walked again today.  I wasn't looking forward to it quite as much, but I really think it's b/c I was already so tired.  i slept awful last night!  Anywho, at least I feel better about myself for getting out there and exercising.  Jon even started walking with me!  I don't walk again until Wednesday, so I'm going to have to work it out at home tomorrow and Saturday.  Sunday is my day off!  Any ideas about at home workouts would be welcome!  I'm trying to keep changing it up so I don't get bored!   

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