Sunday, January 15, 2012


Man oh man.  I'm so over working Saturdays.  I'm having to work every Saturday this month and I hate it!  I can't wait until I'm done!  After work yesterday, we headed up to Columbus.  Josh had some birthday gift cards to spend, so we went to Target.  I did the grocery shopping while Jon and Josh checked out the toys.  Man does Target have some cute stuff right now!  I wish I had some extra cash to spend!  We stayed in Saturday night and watched Alien.  It was Josh's first time seeing it and he really like it!
Today we slept in then called Jon's Dad.  They got back from Germany last week and had some stuff for us!  We had an awesome visit with him and Michelle.  We stopped by Jon's Grandma's for a few minutes then headed home.  I took a nap while Jon took Josh back to his mom, then we headed to Dustin and Amber's for a few hours.  All in all we had a great weekend!  I'm off work tomorrow, so that's awesome.  Anywho, I've rambled for long enough.  Adios.

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