Saturday, October 9, 2010

woo and hoo

Ah Saturday! Definitely my fave day of the week. Today we got my oil changed and did the grocery shopping at Walmart, then took a nap when we came home! Like a 2 1/2 hour nap!! Neither of us slept well last night, so we needed it! We've been bumming around the house, picking up and doing laundry this afternoon. Tonight, we went to Columbus with David and Kate to go to a Halloween shop to see about getting some costumes. I am going to be the Mad Hatter and Jon is going as Space Ghost. I can't wait for our party!!! After Columbus, we went to Steak n' Shake for dinner. Then we hung out at David and Kate's for awhile tonight. Now we're home and going to watch The Little Shop of Horrors. I've never seen it, so we rented it. Well I'm off to enjoy my hour and a half with Rick Moranis!

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