Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Perfect Fall Day

First I have to start with Friday night, then I'll get to the perfect fall day. We made a cookie coffin! Well, we decorated it. Josh had a ball!

Then we watched It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. It's become an annual view for our family. Josh really likes the Charlie Brown holiday shows, which is great because so do I! Ok, now for the perfect fall day!

Yesterday was such a good day! Good and busy! We got started and headed down to Huber's Orchard and Winery using directions from Google maps. Well, they were crap!!! We ended up on a detour and got a leeetle bit lost, but we found our way in the end! For future reference (for me next year) take 65 south to exit 6B for 265 West and take that to state rd 111. So much easier this way!

Did I mention that the weather was absolutely gorgeous?! Sunny and around 70 degrees! Anywho, we had a great time picking our pumpkins in the pumpkin patch, navigating bamboo and corn mazes, and seeing animals at the petting zoo.

Then we got some awesome homemade ice cream and I brought home some cheese curds and some blueberry cheddar cheese! Yum!! We made it home and I made meatloaf for lunch per Josh's request. That kid loves his meat!

Last night, we went with Jon's family to a haunted maze and hayride and had a weeny roast! Yea! It was so much fun! It was Josh's first haunted experience and he wasn't even scared! At all! That kid has guts! We got home pretty late, so it was pretty much straight to bed, smelling like fire smoke.

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