Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why Men Should Watch Twilight

I feel the need to mention that Jon refuses to watch Twilight with me. Any of the movies are completely off limits if he is around. He just point blank refuses to watch them with me! This is a mistake guys! Do you know the kind of brownie points he could get just for watching a movie with me?!?!? So take this as a little piece of advise from yours truly. Watch Twilight with your babe! I have already stated reason one: major brownie points! Reason two: you might actually like it! I know it's super cheesy and pretty darn girly, but if you can suffer through the first one, which is pretty much just a mushy movie, then you get to see the others! New Moon has a pretty cool fight scene at the end. And Eclipse has some really cool fight scenes throughout! Breaking Dawn is bound to have scene and I'm betting on some cool fights as well. Don't knock it till you try it! Reason three: BROWNIE POINTS!!!! Reason four: we've earned it! How many times has your lovely sat and watched some bloody, pointless action/horror/etc film with you b/c they knew how excited you were to see it? Think about that a minute. No really, take your time! You owe us! And finally, point number five: BROWNIE FRICKIN' POINTS!!!!! You will be the talk of all the girlfriends of you lady if you watch these movies! Suddenly, they'll be using you as an example of what they want! Seriously guys!! It's not all that difficult. It's a couple hours of your life that you get to spend with a lovely lady and then we owe you! See how that works! So the next time you want to watch one of those inherently boy-centric movies, we won't complain quite as much! That is why men should watch Twilight!

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