Sunday, October 3, 2010

perfect moments

We hadn't seen each other for 5 months. We had been talking every night for 3 months. I was finally going to see him, under the pretense of going to a party with all my Seymour friends. The person I really wanted to see was Jon. I was hoping we were going to get back together that weekend. I arrived expecting an awkward, we're seeing each other for the first time since breaking up, moment. There wasn't one. We just slid into an old routine of banter. That night, we were all sitting around talking in the basement. One by one, everyone but Jon and I went upstairs. We ended up laying on the ground talking, and I was just praying he would kiss me. Breathe Me by Sia was playing. And then we were kissing. There was no big moment of getting back together. We just were.

I had come down for the weekend for the first time after Jon's appendectomy. I was wondering if he was healing ok. I get to the apartment, and he has Neil Young on the cd player. He greeted me with roses. He seemed kind of off, but I thought it was just remnants of the surgery. Then "Only Love Will Break Your Heart" came on and he told me he loved me. We danced to the rest of the song, me trying not to cry. It was really a perfect moment. Later that night, he told me he wanted to marry me.

The last dance at our wedding reception was Goodnight by The Beatles. We had picked it specifically. We danced, both a little drunk, me holding on tight to my husband, just wanting the moment to last forever. It was perfect.

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