Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Wow what a storm we had this morning! The wind was blowing so hard that it was shaking the office building I work in! Yikes! Anywho, not much to report here, but I wanted to show you all something. I am working on converting my dad's slides to digital photos. I have found some serious gems!
This one is my dad and older sister, Becky, planting potatoes. Every Good Friday, we planted potatoes in the garden. I miss it :( I love this photo! I think I'm going to have to print myself a copy!!
This is my baby self, squishy cheeks and all.

And this is my parents cutting their wedding cake!

Wasn't my dad handsome and my mom gorgeous!!! I can't believe she wore a maroon mini dress for her wedding! Lol, ah the 70's. These are just a few of the treasures I've found. I love looking at old slides and I'm glad I'm going to be able to preserve them by moving them to digital. I have to admit, looking at the slides makes me miss being little. Life was so carefree! Not that I don't love my life now. Being an adult definitely has its perks! Like being married to this guy:

Sigh. I love him so much! But enough mushy gushy, I'm off to enjoy the rest of my evening. Toodles!

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